
Rejuvenate the mind. Balance the body.

Experience a variety of alternative treatments for specific ailments or to experience stress relief, sensations of calmness and clarity. Contact us today to discuss your specialty sauna experience!

*The following techniques and methods are for relaxation and enjoyment only. We make no health claims regarding these treatments.



Warm & Calming Atmosphere


Soothing & Energizing


Harmonious & Rejuvenating


Emotional Release


Balance Body Energy

RIFE Method

Rife therapy uses bio-frequency to attack compromised and unhealthy cells in a gentle and non-invasive way. Targeting electromagnetic frequencies of cells & emitting low-energy waves, Rife is non-toxic and may be used in conjunction with other therapies. Consult your doctor before attempting any alternative treatments.

Raindrop Technique™

Young Living’s proprietary Raindrop Technique combines unique targeted massage and energy approaches with pure, authentic essential oils for a deeply harmonizing, rejuvenating and relaxing experience. the Technique, developed by Young Living founder D. Gary Young, draws from his experience with Native American wellness traditions and provides a revolutionary means of nurturing harmony – physically, mentally and emotionally.


The Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique is based on a ritual described in the Temple of Isis for “cleansing of the spirit”. Using 13 different blends of essential oils and bodywork, you will feel transported into a blissful state of presence. The aroma stimulates memories and emotions, inducing a state of clarity and understanding.

Get in the flow!

Are you:

  • Sluggish or lack of energy?
  • Experiencing headaches or migranes?
  • Memory loss?
  • Weight gain?
  • Inflammation or often ill?

*These are all signs of a sluggish lymphatic system.

Revolutionary Cleansing

Four main types of toxins are addressed through toxin release: heavy metals, chemical toxins, microbial compounds, and by-products from protein metabolism. Improperly digested toxic particles can clog the channels in your body.

These channels include the intestines, lymphatic system, arteries and veins, capillaries, and genitourinary tract. Others are nonphysical channels through which your energy flows. Toxicity accumulates wherever there is a weakness in the body.

 Advocates believe detoxification cleanses the body, clears the skin, enhances the senses, helps weight loss, improves fertility, improves flexibility, reduces blood fat levels, rejuvinates and slows aging.


Peaceful Practice


64 South Main St.
Nazareth, PA 18064

Make an Appointment

Self care? We care.

Open Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 3pm
All other: by appointment